Did the atheists really win?

The saying that cosmologists worship in 'one single unified equation that explains everything' can be identified as the common thing in today's mainstream media when we speak about the topic 'god'.wait who is god in the first place?

let's take a brief recall, the representation of God in islamic culture is who they call Allah who has no physical form which in sanskrit they call 'aroopa', instead they worship in the direction of Mecca or to be more precise the ka'bah.It is a fun fact that most of the surnames used in the world is 'Muhammad'.and that's why I started with the islamic culture. Christians on the other hand worship jesus who we all know as the messenger of god. But Christians still believe that Jesus will be reborn by shattering the 'mountain of light' and it was a preconception that God roamed earth in the form of light and hot breeze which was also prescribed in the holy Bible. So we saw the illustration of god in the form of direction and light. Coming to Hinduism,there are 33 million gods in Hindu culture and CERN has the statue of 'nataraja'-the hindu god of destruction and recreation,and Hindus are people who worship God in the form of human body with polydactyly and the norse mythology often correlates with this notion.
Stephen Hawking the deceased science icon used to say that 'it is reasonable to ask who or what created the universe but if the answer is god the question merely deflects to that of who created god' though he's got a point here,where did it all start and where it is going to end.Noble laureate Roger Penrose in his book cycles of time and he mentioned about the brane theory of the starting of the universe which strongly condemns the bigbang.so why scientists are so adament in not believing in god? Well they are not adament but it is the lack of evidence.Yes there are things like dark matter too which scientists can't explain viz., Dark matter,dark energy,dark DNA,etc... but the explanation for that is not god.
 iam so strong in this because thousands of years ago people that it was because of god it rained water unaware of the fact that it was a constant cycle of evaporation and condensation.

as you can see famous scientists who we all admire believed in the 'theory of everything' which could even explain god.but it is true that there is something which I refer no lifeforms or forces rather it is more of a entity which is the driving force which make us look up at the sky wonder why! Well as I believe future is god people will have various facets of him. Whoever or whatever it/she/he may be they hold science in their hand as a joystick to control the universe.

Or do they?                       

The clue for topic of my next blog is in the conclusion part guys. do dm me on instagram guessing what would be my next topic and stay hungry for knowlegde!

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